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We attended the IoT Live Show 2020!


This year, the IoT Live Show took place for the first time on 17 September in Budapest, where a total of 15 Hungarian companies compared their latest IoT developments. Our company, Smart Lynx Ltd., participated in the event together with its partner Intelliport Solutions Ltd., where we presented our smart parking solution to the visitors.

In line with the event’s slogan (“We don’t just talk about it, we show it in action!”), only those players who have an IoT solution that is not only at the concept or prototype level, but is also continuously creating value for existing customers and users were allowed to participate as exhibitors and speakers.

At the IoT Live Show, like the other exhibitors, Smart Lynx had the opportunity to present a 2-minute live product demonstration of the design and operation of their smart parking solution, followed by a 10-minute presentation to further demonstrate the benefits and other important details of their service.

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